Gender and Sexuality Alliances


Regardless of what you name your SOGI-themed club – Gender and Sexuality Alliances or GSAs, Queer Straight Alliances or QSAs, Rainbow Clubs – it will provide meaningful connection to students who need it. There are many great manuals out there such as this one to get you started. Here is a list of activities to keep your GSA engaging that was crowd-sourced from SOGI-inclusive educators:

  • Connect Through Music: Create a playlist of favourite songs together. Set up “Choir-oke” – it’s karaoke but everyone sings along!

  • Move your Bodies Together: Dance, stretch, or work out together.

  • Connect with Others: Reach out to GSAs from other schools or districts, or invite guest speakers such as local queer advocates, or leaders who have fought for trans rights.

  • Inspire Change: Plan a Pride event or other SOGI-themed day for the school. Write a letter to the local government or school board about the changes needed in your community or school system.

  • Play games: Run a scavenger hunt. Host a Show & Tell and share art, favourite childhood toys or stuffies, or favourite books. Break out the board games.

  • Start a Conversation: Organize a tea party and share your personal stories, changes you would like to see in the school and community, or tools that support positive mental health.