One Lesson Plan Everyone Can Use



Most of us have heard the phrase “that’s so gay” at some point and time and are familiar with the fact that it’s rarely (if ever) used as a compliment.

When words like this are used in schools, they are harmful to students of all sexual orientations and gender identities. They also have the potential to foster further SOGI-based bullying.

The lesson plan Why “That’s So Gay” Is Not Okay demystifies the word “gay” and challenges misunderstandings of the word while making it clear that the word “gay” should never be used as an insult. It will encourage students to speak out and be an upstander when they hear homophobic comments. This lesson is suitable for students at all grade levels and is one of SOGI 1 2 3’s most popular lesson plans with over four thousand downloads over the last three years!

Lesson Topics

The lesson plan Why “That’s So Gay” Is Not Okay provides prompts to help guide educators through a discussion with their students exploring the following subjects:

  • The difference between an insult and a compliment

  • The definition of the word “gay”

  • The importance of using words properly

  • The impact of using the word “gay” as an insult

Create positive change by bringing this lesson plan to your classroom!