8 Steps to Meaningful Allyship


As an educator, you’ve got a laundry list of things to prioritize, and it can be challenging to balance all the responsibilities expected of your role. But allyship is one thing we shouldn’t leave on the back burner, and it applies to much more than just SOGI-inclusive education. We hear a lot about allyship, but what does it mean to be a good ally? Here’s a quick run-down to help you understand the basics!

  1. Let the stones hit you – and do so even when afraid. This can mean taking on a parent phone call or offering a response to an email. Standing in the way of harmful words or actions from others can go a long way to prevent harm.

  2. Presume competence by honouring lived experience. Consider people experts on their own experience and respect them as such. Inviting 2SLGBTQ+ organizations, colleagues, or students to speak to their experience ensures their voices are uplifted.

  3. Transfer your privilege. Use your privilege to benefit others, for example by advocating for changes to policy or ensuring your 2SLGBTQ+ colleagues are being heard.

  4. Own your mistakes and decenter yourself. Acknowledge that even if you feel hurt, defensive, or guilty, this is not about you.

  5. Have a growth mindset. Commit to learning even when it is challenging.

  6. Walk your talk. Use people’s names and pronouns, show up at events, and ask how you can best be of help.

  7. Value compassion over comprehension. We don’t need an intimate understanding of someone’s experience to extend them empathy and kindness.

  8. Respect privacy and confidentiality. Someone’s identity is not yours to share – take their lead on how public or private to be with their information.

While we focus on SOGI-inclusive education, consider how these points apply more broadly, like in anti-racism work, disability inclusion, or intersectional work of any kind. This can positively impact students, families, and fellow staff members – maybe they are out and proud, and maybe not, but they see your commitment, and it matters!