Engaging Parents from the Start


While the majority of SOGI 1 2 3 resources are for educators, parents are also integral members of every school. Concerns about parental resistance are common, however parents’ associations have been key supporters of SOGI 1 2 3 since it first launched.

Promote collaboration.

We know that students thrive when parents and schools work together. Invite parents to inform policies and procedures, sit on relevant committees, and contribute to rainbow displays.

Encourage curiosity.

One educator recommends turning any presumptive statement about SOGI into a question. For example, if a parent says, “Young children shouldn’t be taught this stuff. It will just confuse them,” an educator can reply with, “A lot of people have that question, but we know that children often have a stable gender identity by age 4 or 5.” Responding in this way encourages learning and discourages confrontation.

Create and use SOGI resources.

An FAQ document can help to dispel myths and give educators talking points. A shareable PowerPoint presentation can be used by Parent’s Councils to educate other parents. Many of these are available to use or adapt for your school or district on the Parents Page of our website.

Communicate early and often.

Send consistent and clear messages to parents. Let all families know that your school is a SOGI-inclusive space before there is an immediate need, such as when a member of the school community is transitioning.