One Example of an Inclusive Change Room


Getting changed for gym class can be stressful for all students – more so for those that don’t fit the expected gender norms. Many schools have made the shift away from gender segregated PE classes in order to be more inclusive, while others have started to create inclusive change spaces as well. Alberni District Secondary in the Pacific Rim School District has generously shared what they have been able to do.

The Purpose

The goal of this change room re-design was to provide more single-stall change options. It was a priority that the majority of the spaces were inclusive and private, and not the exception.

The Design

Two large, gender segregated change rooms were converted into one space with single-stall change rooms, bathrooms, and shower rooms, plus two smaller open change rooms. The small rooms serve both girls’ and boys’ change rooms for those that are comfortable using them, and Home and Away meeting rooms when there are visiting sports teams. For more details check out the full architectural write up here.

The Roll Out

A more gender-neutral environment is now available that also increases privacy and safety for all students. There is a large, open-concept entry way which allows for more staff supervision and all students can find a comfortable place to change or use the washroom.

Way to go Alberni District Secondary!