Name Change Tool
Most students who socially transition will go by a new name before changing it legally. When a student sees their true name being used, they feel safer and more supported at school. Most school systems will require that the legal name stays on file, however with a little creativity the student’s chosen name can often be used.
Here are some examples of common name change challenges (and workarounds):
Many educators believe that a report card is a legal document and therefore must use the student’s legal name – this is often not true. At the very least, you should be able to have the legal name only once on the document and use the chosen name in the comments sections.
While the official transcript likely needs the legal name, the diploma is intended for display and may offer more room for flexibility. If the school or district will only issue diplomas with students’ legal names, ask for extra blank copies in case of an error and print a new one with the correct name.
One possible fix is to add an additional student, as if someone was missed. Submit the students chosen name (and be sure to use their student number so that the test results are connected to the right person). In jurisdictions where this has been attempted, it has successfully attached the student’s test to their records, while allowing them to see their chosen name when they sit down to write.
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