Where can I find the SOGI 123 curriculum?
SOGI 123 is not a curriculum, rather it is a set of tools and resources that help create safer and more inclusive schools for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities. SOGI is just one aspect of diversity that is referenced across a range of grades and subject areas. SOGI 123 provides ready-to-use, grade-level SOGI-inclusive resources that align with provincial or territorial curriculum. Teachers can customize SOGI 123 lesson plans to meet the unique needs of their classrooms. SOGI-inclusive education simply means speaking about SOGI in a way that ensures every student feels like they belong.
October 25, 2023
The 2023 virtual BC SOGI Summit brought 430 educators together for a full day of learning
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November 17, 2023
We’re pleased to share that the Yukon has joined the SOGI 123 Network!
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February 8, 2024
Our SOGI 123 Leads for Alberta and Saskatchewan came together to host the first ever Prairie SOGI Educator Summit.
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